• I slept

    I slept

    Well, I completely messed this up, didn’t I? I’m not even new to this game. I was able to snag a PS5 for my son at 2 AM from the online store of a grocery chain. I preordered cameras before. I knew I had to be awake, online, or call ahead to be on the…

  • Let’s face it – you suck at photography

    You have an expensive camera. A “pro” camera, so to speak. It cost an arm and two legs. You have a bunch of lenses. You have a tripod. Two flashes. Remotes. You have a gazillion bags, one for every occasion. You suffer from GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) and LE (lens envy) and any other disease…

  • About Aging

    About Aging

    The other day I glanced in the mirror and recoiled from my own image: I looked like I was 65. The skin under my eyes was hanging in folds, my neck was wrinkly and droopy, and I felt like I was waking up from a dream in which I had been young and smooth. I…

  • The Meaning of Photography

    In March of 2020, just before the lockdown hit, I purchased a Fujifilm X100V camera. It was the second X100 I ever owned, after having purchased the original X100 in 2011 when it was first released. While I loved the camera back then, it had a few shortcomings, and I ended up selling it, but…

  • Vienna, a wallet, and a barbershop

    Some stories are so unbelievable, they must be true. This one is. On his 6 week tour through Europe, my son Thomas and his girlfriend had just arrived in Vienna, Austria. They checked into their B&B and then went out on the town for some sightseeing. Later that evening I got a Whatsapp voice call…

  • Stop being so polite!

    Stop being so polite!

    I want the Canadian government to protect the interests of the 90% of Canadians who aren’t morons. I’ve had about enough of this crap. It’s time for the majority to speak up and shut down this nonsense. I know Canadians are patient and kind and polite but enough is enough. What these so-called Canadian, flag waving “patriots”…

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